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Duration/ Price Schiedam/ Price Den Haag

60min/ €70/ €75

90min/ €100/ €105


It is a non- pharmacological way to alleviate pain and illness. Directed to individual needs and ailments. It draws techniques from classical massage, i. e. stroking, rubbing, squezzing, kneading, patting the body, but with energy and greater strength. As a rule, it can be painful and unpleasant in the initial sessions, ofcourse, the feeling is an individual matter.
Individual work also looks with everyone who will undergo the treatment. Therefore, this type of massage will not be painful for everyone. An interview is conducted before the therapy. This is the basis of effective therapy.
Isometric massage is also used, thanks to which strength and adequate muscle mass and restored. It helps in muscle regeneration, improves blood circulation, oxygenates the skin, and pain is relieved.
A therapeutic massage is a treatment that take away the pain and reduce stress.
It is a type of deep massage, so by performing a deep tissue and by activating trigger points, pain is alleviated.
Lack of movement, sedentary lifestyle or incorrect posture forces the therapist to use this form of massage. This improves the ability of individual tissues to work by loosening them, lengthening and eliminating adhesions and abnormal movement patterns.
- relaxing, affecting the excretion of toxins from the body,
- improving blood circulation,
- reducing muscle tone and fascia,
- increasing flexibility and strength of ligaments and joint mobility.

Young beautiful pregnant woman having ma


Duration/ Price Schiedam/ Price Den Haag

60min/ €70/ €75 

90min/ €100/ €105

Used to reduce muscle tension resulting from changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman (deepening of lumbar lordosis, weight gain, change of center of gravity), reduction of pain and to improve well- being and relaxation. Women should not undergo the treatment during the first trimester or in the last month of pregnancy.


ANTI- CELLULITE MASSAGE with a Chinese cupping

Duration/ Price Schiedam/ Price Den Haag

60min/ €70/ €75

This type of massage combines the techniques of classic massage and Chinese cupping to improve circulation throughout the body, especially where changes occur.
Massage is one of the most effective treatments in the fight against cellulite. The Chinese cupping massage makes the skin elastic and smoothes, breaks down fat tissues, increases the blood supply to the tissues, which makes it easier to penetrate the slimming preparations deep into the skin used during and after the therapy. The massage acts on the skin and subcutaneous tissue, removing toxins and harmful metabolism products, reducing lymphatic stasis. After such a massage is recommended to be combined with physical activity and a proper diet. This type of massage also perfectly relaxes and calms down.



Duration / Price Schiedam

30-45min / €40

Alternative medicine treatment, which allows you do not only get rid of earwax accumulated in the ear, but also to clean the sinuses or relieve a runny nose during a cold.
Alternative medicine recommends ear candling in various ear, throat and nose conditions. Headaches and dizziness, migraines and chronic fatigue syndrome are also indications for surgery. During the therapy, a vacuum chimney effect) is created in the ear canal, which is to remove earwax and impurities. It is easier to breathe through the nose, pressure in the middle ear and sinuses is regulated. In addition, during the treatment, a pair rich in medicinal substances derived from honey and essential oils is delivered to the ear, thanks to which candling also has a healing effect.



Depending on the area


Elastic therapeutic tape and has become increasingly popular within the sporting area. Taping has been used for a long time for the prevention and treatment of sporting injuries. KT is not only used for this but for a variety of other conditions. It was developed by Japanaese Chiropractor Dr. Kenzo Kase in the 1970’s with the intention to alleviate pain and improve the healing in soft tissues.
KT applications allow you to:
- maintain the full range of motion (ROM),
- correct incorrect positions of articular surfaces,
- allow normalization of muscle tone and activation of damaged muscles,
- reduce pain and unnatural skin sensations and effect the correction of fascia and skin,
- eliminate stagnation and lymphedema,
- improvement of lymphatic drainage and blood flow.
The patch does not contain medicines or latex. It is waterproof, permeable to air, which allows for undisturbed heat exchange. Wearing patches does not interfere with everyday functioning.



Duration/ Price Schiedam/ Price Den Haag

60min N/A

90min/ €110/ €115

A body scrub is a popular body treatment that is basically a facial for the body: it exfoliates and hydrates your skin, leaving it smooth and soft. A body scrub is done with an abrasive material—usually sea salt or sugar—mixed with some kind of massage oil and an aromatic like essential oils.The scrub is followed by an application of oil that leaves your skin hydrated. After the scrub, the full body massage is performed. This treatment  is  only for women.

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5 session pack/ Duration/ Price Schiedam/ Price Den Haag

                               60min/ €332/ €356

                               90min/ €475/ €498

10 sessios pack/ Duration/ Price Schiedam/ Price Den Haag

                                60min/ €630/ €675

                                90min/ €900/ €945

Packages are valid from 6 months to 1 year from the date of purchase. Packages can be shared with another client, with someone from family or with a friend. Remember, packages can’t be combined with other offers or discount. Standard appointment and cancellation policies apply.

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